Psychiatric treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Assessment of ADHD calls for a comprehensive evaluation which could take up to three hours, or three sessions. It includes a detailed history, screening tools, corroborative information sources, and medication examinations.
Medications for treating ADHD are extremely regulated and require authority approval. Once these medications are prescribed, they call for continual monitoring, especially during the initial stages.
Adult ADHD
Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder characterised by persistent problems with inattention and hyperactivity which negatively impacts functioning in a number of areas including occupational and social settings.
Symptoms can include impulsiveness; quick temper; being easily frustrated; poor organisation; inability to focus; trouble completing tasks; restlessness; and poor time management skills.
Most people experience some of these symptoms at some stage in their lives. This doesn’t mean they have ADHD. For a diagnosis of ADHD, symptoms must be long standing (usually since childhood), severe and continuous.
In NSW, only psychiatrists can diagnose ADHD in adults. Psychiatrists are also the only medical
specialists who can initially prescribe psychostimulant medication for adults. However, a diagnosis of ADHD does not automatically mean that medication will be prescribed. In many instances, psychological treatments may be preferable to biological ones.
If you are a new patient at our practice, it's essential for us to conduct a comprehensive ADHD assessment.
While we definitely appreciate and will consider all of your previous medical records, our dedicated psychiatrists believe in conducting their own evaluations to ensure the most appropriate and safest prescription for ADHD medication.
Assessment Pathway
If you feel you may have ADHD, please get in touch.
Our assessment pathway is set out below.
Referral from GP
Ask your GP for a referral for an ADHD assessment.
Email the referral letter to
Information gathering
We will send you some documents to complete including a symptom questionnaire and a patient information form.
You complete and return the documents. This could include:
any cognitive/executive functioning assessments
any report you have from a psychologist
school reports
appraisals from work or university.
You can book via online, or we schedule an appointment with our psychiatrist
First assessment
An initial mental health assessment will last around 60 minutes. During this assessment, the psychiatrist take a full history; and address any concerns prior to being assessed for ADHD.
Following the assessment, The psychiatrist will review all the information, confirm a diagnosis and prepare a management plan.
Second assessment
The second assessment will usually last just over 30 minutes and will be the ADHD assessment.
During this assessment, the psychiatrist will:
Ask you to bring a parent/sibling with yourself to the assessment. This assessment can be performed over zoom if a family member is far away.
Third assessment (bulk billed)
During this assessment, The psychiatrist will:
explain his/her diagnosis and suggested management plan;
answer any questions you may have; and
provide you with a prescription for medication if he/she considers it appropriate to do so.
There may be need to seek a second opinion for ADHD if required.
Depending on your diagnosis and the suggested management plan, it may be necessary to schedule further follow up appointments.
If you have been prescribed psychostimulant medication, The psychiatrist will need to see you
on at least a monthly basis initially.